Assembly manuals

For a Dutch OEM, GreenWatt has written dozens of manuals used for the assembly of multi megawatt wind turbines. Close cooperation was required with engineering department, manufacturing technicians and Quality Control. Alongside, it is a process to gather information from Subject Matter Experts (SME’s), Engineers, Assembly technicians and Quality Control. Simplified Technical English (STE) standard […]

For a Dutch OEM, GreenWatt has written dozens of manuals used for the assembly of multi megawatt wind turbines. Close cooperation was required with engineering department, manufacturing technicians and Quality Control.

Alongside, it is a process to gather information from Subject Matter Experts (SME’s), Engineers, Assembly technicians and Quality Control.

Simplified Technical English (STE) standard was applied.

Manuals were written in authoring tool MadCap-Flare, a powerful single-source publishing software.

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